I'm likening running to child birth at the moment. At the time (and a little after) it's hell and I want it to be over and I swear to myself that this will never happen again, ever. But after a while I forget the pain and think there was nothing to it, it was a breeze, a walk in the park (or a run). I'm currently thanking this philosophy for my motivation to get out there each time, but I'm not sure how I'm going to feel around the 26/27 baby mark.
At the moment I am not setting myself any major targets, just going out running and seeing exactly how unfit I really am. I'm making sure I go out 3 times a week and trying to build up any kind of stamina. This is how this week has panned out...
Day 1 - I looked at a 10k fitness schedule provided by Bupa and it said 'Day 1 - Run 15 minutes, Walk 2 minutes, Run 15 minutes'. Easy, right? So I set off, ran 15 minutes, nearly passed out and limped home.
This is going to be more difficult than I thought.
Day 2 - Got up at 6am (get me!) Went out while it was still dark and ran 15 minutes, was almost sick but walked at a brisk pace home. It was actually really nice running without loads of people to watch me red faced puffing and panting. When I got in however I was nearly crying my lower legs hurt that much, I had to sit with frozen peas on them, much to the amusement of my ever supportive family (cough)!
Day 3 - Ran 15 minutes, walked 2 minutes then ran (hoooray) 2 minutes home (hmmm).
Well Done on getting started. It's hard work when you start but the first step is the hardest. It does get more enjoyable and the cold fresh mornings can be lovely.
ReplyDeleteDon't try to increase by too much too soon though.
I wish you well!!
Thanks for the advice Mark, good to know it gets better, I'll remember that when I'm out there